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High v. Low Volume SMS - please clarify contradictory information

  • 13 March 2023
  • 1 reply

In the RC portal, it states:
  • Conversational messages
      • High volume
        : Frequent text messages to customers (i.e., daily or weekly)
      • Low volume: A few text messages to customers (i.e., monthly)

However, in a tutorial I watched (I think the How to Self Register Vimeo), it defines Low Volume as less than 15,000 SMS a month and up to 6 SMS per minute. They also call the other option "Standard," not High Volume. I thought we'd qualified for Low Volume, but now I'm not sure. Thank you.

1 reply

Sorry for the confusion - low volume would be less than 15,000 messages monthly, a max of 6 messages per minute per campaign to AT&T.

Standard volume (may be referred to as high volume in the portal) is more than 15,000 messages a month or more than 6 messages per minute per campaign to AT&T. Please note there is no penalty if you choose standard volume and send less messages (so if you may be growing or sending more, this route is recommended).

As a reminder, no automated or API driven messages may be sent using a Conversational campaign type.
