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Hold Time and Result Status

  • 23 January 2018
  • 3 replies

Two Questions: 1. How do I obtain the hold time from the call log API? We have a client that needs to know this for reporting purposes. We pull the call log daily and store in a central db for dashboard reporting FYI. 2. What does "Rejected" under the "Result Status Fields" mean? The documentation says: "Call is declined". Is that a failure of the incoming call? Thank you!

3 replies

Userlevel 2
Hi Riley,

Sorry for the delayed response!
Unfortunately, there is no "OnHold" time value available in the call log data. For the call result status, I think the "Rejected" referred to a call that got rejected by the service, not by the user clicking the decline an incoming call. I will confirm the status if I get more info about it.

+ Phong

Did you ever find a way to determine the hold time? This is something I am looking to do as well.

Userlevel 2

Check out my blog to see if you want to implement that.
