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How can I send a pdf to a development account?

  • 3 May 2016
  • 5 replies

Hi Please how can I send a pdf to a development account, should I use the same domain I need to test my code to convert the received bytes array and convert it in pdf. Im trying to send a testing fax from but looks like is not attaching anything and I when I convert the pdf, the file is empty. THank you Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: How do I send a fax, from email, to a fax line which is an extension and requires....

5 replies

Sorry, I was meaning Sandbox. In order to test my code, I would like to email a pdf file to our sandbox fax 15102704626 extension 101. So please what is the email address I should use: 15102704626*
It appears that you are trying to use the email -> fax feature of RingCentral and trying to send to a Sandbox number.

I just tested the above scenario and was able to receive an inbound fax with an attachment as expected.

Here is how I was able to do that:

  1. Login to as an admin for your sandbox account
  2. Make sure you have created a new user/extension and assigned them a Voice & Fax type direct number
  3. You should now be able to send faxes to the following two phoneNumbers/extensions/users in your Sandbox account:
    - Your main company number can receive faxes in the Sandbox: <sandboxMainCompanyNumber>
    - Your newly created user/extension can receive faxes in the Sandbox: <userPhoneNumber>

    * NOTE: Sending to user extensions in the Sandbox, the domain is different
  4. Send your email
  5. Go check your user's call logs and you should see faxes that have been sent.
Thank you very much, but I still can not receive anything, I am guessing the <sandboxMainCompanyNumber> is the extension 101 that was automatically created by your system. So I created a sencond extension 102, both have the same number your system assigned 15102704626. So I tried to send from the new extension 102 to 101 and viceversa and nothing happens. I have tried using the fax options from and also sending from my personal email to, 5102704626*,  5102704626* But nothing comes yet to the inbox. Attaching 3 images in the same screenshot,

I need to test my code to convert the received bytes array and convert it in pdf.

Can you provide more information on what you're trying to do? Which byte array are you trying to convert? RingCentral will automatically convert and provide faxes in PDF so you don't need to do any conversion.

If you want to send a PDF to a development account, you can also just use the REST API to fax a file to the sandbox number which is what I use for testing. For example:

About the pdf I already noticed and was able to download one BUT FROM THE OUTBOX, since I still can not receive any Fax in the SANDBOX INBOX.

Is there a simple way that I could receive a fax in the inbox?  I was guessing I was just needing to send an email (attaching a pdf) to the email address below, where 5102704626 is the sandbox fax number:
