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How do I call C# RingCentral Client Authoirze() method?

  • 22 October 2018
  • 2 replies

Need info on Calling RingCentral C# Authorize Method? There seems to be little or no documentation on this thing I'm trying this:

public async void MyLogin()


await myClient.Authorize("+1XXXXXXXXX", "", "password");


This is no good of course it needs to return something but what? Please guys need more documentation!!!!


2 replies

It does return something which you can inspect that method's return type if you use Visual Studio.

And the returned thing is not important if you just want to invoke some API call. As long as the authorize doesn't throw exception, you are authorized and you can go ahead to make API calls.

If there are exception, you can catch it and print the response:
Ok I got it figured out sort of; now it wants netstandard added. Did this within csproj but no go, it still doesnt like Authorize.

Sheesh...Lots of problems!!!
