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How do I get the original caller's information in call logs?

  • 17 September 2020
  • 3 replies

Using the


API call. We get details of the call, including the "from" json object which includes phone number and contact (if available).

We are making a simple call log reporting application and the problem is if the receptionist transfers a call to a user than the 'from' field becomes filled out with the receptionist's extension and info, which isn't useful when reporting who you spent time on the phone with.

So the question becomes: how do I access the original caller info (specifically phone number and contact)?


3 replies

Userlevel 2

Can you set the "view:Detailed" query param and check the first leg from the response.


So I am looking through all of the legs and I am not seeing anything about the original caller. Here is the legs response for that call log entry from the API call (note: For privacy concerns I have replaced all ids with x, "Boss" is the user who received the transfer x.101, "Receptionist" is the user who received the original call and transferred to the boss x.114, and YYYYYYYYYY is ourcompany's main number:

"legs" : [ {

"startTime" : "2020-09-16T19:43:15.448Z",

"duration" : 368,

"type" : "Voice",

"direction" : "Inbound",

"action" : "Phone Call",

"result" : "Accepted",

"to" : {

"name" : "Boss",

"extensionId" : "x",

"extensionNumber" : "101"


"from" : {

"name" : "Receptionist",

"extensionNumber" : "114"


"extension" : {

"uri" : "",

"id" : x


"reason" : "Accepted",

"reasonDescription" : "The call connected to and was accepted by this number.",

"telephonySessionId" : "s-x",

"transport" : "PSTN",

"legType" : "Accept",

"master" : true

}, {

"startTime" : "2020-09-16T19:43:22.098Z",

"duration" : 355,

"type" : "Voice",

"direction" : "Outbound",

"action" : "VoIP Call",

"result" : "Call connected",

"to" : {

"phoneNumber" : "+YYYYYYYYYY",

"extensionNumber" : "101",

"location" : "City, ST"


"from" : {

"name" : "Boss",

"extensionId" : "x",

"extensionNumber" : "114",

"device" : {

"uri" : "",

"id" : "x"



"recording" : {

"uri" : "",

"id" : "x",

"type" : "Automatic",

"contentUri" : ""


"extension" : {

"uri" : "",

"id" : x


"reason" : "Accepted",

"reasonDescription" : "The call connected to and was accepted by this number.",

"telephonySessionId" : "s-x",

"transport" : "VoIP",

"legType" : "PstnToSip"

}, {

"startTime" : "2020-09-16T19:43:32.494Z",

"duration" : 345,

"type" : "Voice",

"direction" : "Outbound",

"action" : "Transfer",

"result" : "Call connected",

"to" : {

"location" : "City, ST"


"from" : {

"name" : "Boss",

"extensionId" : "x",

"device" : {

"uri" : "",

"id" : "x"



"extension" : {

"uri" : "",

"id" : x


"telephonySessionId" : "s-x",

"transport" : "PSTN",

"legType" : "TransferCall"

} ]

Here is what I can find in the admin portal call logs about this call. Looks like RC splits transferred calls into two call records assigned to different users (even though Boss ends up talking with the client the whole time). In this image I have left extensions alone (recall Boss is extension 101, and receptionist is extension 114), removed names, and changed numbers. (YYY)YYY-YYYY is our company number, and (XXX)XXX-XXXX is the incoming caller's number.

Userlevel 2

Please open a support ticket so the developer support team can look into your account to investigate this case.
