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How do I name an attached pdf document with a name differing from its file path name, using a curl script?

  • 23 May 2020
  • 1 reply

How do I name an attached pdf document with a name differing from its file path name, using a curl script?

A curl example formulated at yields the following data string:

--data '{"attachment":"data:application/pdf;name=A%20different%20name.pdf;base64,<<base64>>","to":["1234567890"] }'.

I created a curl data post, which delivered a fully rendered pdf, but without a new name using the following string:

"-F "attachment=@$PDF_Container_Field;name=A%20different%20name.pdf;type=application/pdf" -F "to=" & $toRecipientTenDigit & "" "

As an aside, regarding my not using base64 encoding, my script is executed via FilemakerPro via "insert from url" with curl options. I guess that base64 encoding occurs when a curl option -F is streamed via Filemaker's "insert from url" command, as the script delivers a fully rendered pdf.


What might be correct curl syntax possibilities to simulate the syntax found in the curl command generated at

1 reply

Userlevel 2

What is the reason you want to change the file name? Is it the big impact for your project? As for sending Fax using curl, check out the discussion on this thread.
