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how to allow multiple user login in @ringcentral/sdk

  • 14 December 2023
  • 2 replies

how to allow multiple user login in @ringcentral/sdk@4.7.2

currently i am using JWT_TOKEN of one user but if I want to login with different user then i need to pass the JWT_token of other user also but if user is not devloper admin then how can i pass the JWT token.

const platform = sdk.platform();
const JWT_TOKEN = 'myJWTtoken'
.then(() => {setCallService({ user: user, platform });
cb && cb(); })
=> {setCallService({ error: error });});

2 replies

Userlevel 2

A user does not need to be a developer admin to generate its own JWT token. The user just need to login the RC developer portal to generate its own JWT token.

If the app is supposed to serve multiple users and is required each user to login with their own credentials, then create and implement an authorization code flow app instead.

what will be the best AUTH for my application

I want multiple users to use my application from frontend side

basically I am implementing full call center like feature in my application using both WEBRTC and API

frontend---------ReactJs where I implemented WEBRTC

backend-----Laravel where I am calling some ring central API
