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How to integrate RingCentral with SIPTAPI and ACT

  • 12 July 2016
  • 3 replies

I am trying to find a way to integrate my RingCentral calling (specifically the softphone/digital line options) with my CRM software Sage ACT! to do this I somehow have to make RingCentral a phone within my Windows Telephone Dialogue window (I am on Windows 8.1) however I don't understand where to find the information that's required or if this method would even work for what my goal is.

The only other solution I have found is an extremely expensive plugin so if there are any better or alternative methods to integrate with ACT (allow calling out, and length recording to contact) while still recording to my RingCentral account, then I would greatly appreciate it!

I have attached a screenshot of the SIPTAPI window, please let me know if you'd need anything else to help with my problem.

3 replies

RingCentral does not offer TAPI support at this time.
Hey Benjamin,

I completely understand that and have done research regarding that specifically, however the sole purpose of this program is to take a SIP service and allow TAPI functionality within windows. If you look at the screenshot that SIP information would be collected and then used through the program. Does that seem like a possibility?
I've not tried using what you've shared, so I am not sure if this will work, but you could try using the following API Developer Guide documentation for SIP Device Registration (which should respond with a SIP Info object, which appears to contain all the information you would need to include in that form).!#SipDeviceRegistration.html

Your application to obtain this information will need to have the VOIP Calling API Permission and ReadAccount API Permission.

The experience I have using this route is with the RingCentral WebRTC JS Client Library. I am interested to hear what you learn from trying to integrate this solution, let me know how it goes please.
