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How to know if your app needs to be updated

  • 21 March 2024
  • 0 replies

On March 31, 2024, RingCentral will discontinue support for password auth and PubNub. Customers have been alerted to this through our Community Forums and via email, but sometimes customers are unsure which apps are affected by this change. This article will help you to identify these apps.

How to see if an app is affected by the end of password auth

  1. Login to the Developer Console
  2. View your list of applications
  3. Click on each application, and then click on the Settings tab for each app
  4. Scroll down to the Auth section. If you see an option for "Password Auth" and the radio button is selected, then your app will be affected by this upcoming change.


How to see if an app is affected by the end of PubNub

  • Login to the Developer Console
  • View your list of applications
  • Click on each application, and then click on the Settings tab for each app
  • Scroll down to the Security section. If you see "PubNub Subscription" in your list of application scopes, then your app will be affected by this upcoming change.


What to do if you application is impacted?

If you find any application in your account that will be or has been impacted by this change, we have content to help you make the necessary updates.

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