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I'd like to get notification about generation of call-log

  • 13 July 2017
  • 3 replies

I am using the c# SDK.

After the call is completed, i am going to download recorded wav file.

I was going to download recorded file, when phone state get changed "NoCall" from "CallConnected".

function I used is follow.


This function was used to get phone state.

But At this time recorded file wasn't generated yet.

The file was generated after a few sec.

I'd like to get notification about generation of call-log

I am going to download file when call-log is created.

Can I use subscription funciotn to get notification about generation call-log.?

Kind Regurd.

3 replies

I am afraid that there is no notification event for the generation of call logs.

Normally call log will be available in a few minutes after the call is finished. You can create a timer to fetch call logs repeatedly until it is successfully fetched.

If I have better solutions, I will come back and post here.
We are consider adding a subscription event filter for call log.

If anyone else would like this, please post and let us know.

If we do that, we will update this thread and let everyone know.
Hi. John Wang
Thanks your reply
Would you let me know specifically about  adding a subscription event filter for call log.
I want to implement it.
In order to adding a subscription event filter for call log, I did the follow.
But. it is happened exception at the runtime.
I believe you can help me.
