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i want to make app using ringcentral

  • 3 July 2017
  • 1 reply


i am ringcentral beginer.

i am developing app using the c# SDK.

Can i realize softphone using ringcentral c# sdk.?

i have several question.

question is follow.

1. how to Accept Incoming Call

2. In order to call, what should i do on code?.

I have realized about ring function at present. But I cant call(send and receive voice).

What do I have to next step?.

In a word, What should I do to go form ring to connected?

Please explain the step to call.

3. how to Creates SIP registration of a device/application?

my ringcentral accout info is as follow.

phoneNumber. 18059213091

pass TempPass1!

app: ringcentral_DesktopApp

Result to Creates SIP registration is follow.



curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer U0pDMTFQMDFQQVMwMHxBQUEzQmFzcU1WVVpjWnNLemg1V0hJMkpGbEExNExWU21Cd0VuVnAweERZc2NubDhlcFhtY2Q1czhVT2dzenlQREkxNF9QWWRPMEVYNENYQjd4dmJsWHJoVHJNQURXT09Va3pUbnJ2enFlcXBkbTN3YjFDdGhGUXpXTDZXUjhrSGhLX3ZIZU5lVDNUUE50cnpRNWM4OEw5OEo1ejc1WmhSNE5PcUVfeHVObHkyNWZpNWxtZWNTRFFwSzc4M2ZYWWtWV0l8MGRybm93fDZCcV9Jc0ZlT0M3d0ZVUkJIUHFOTWc" -d "{"sipInfo":{"transport":"WSS"}}" ""

Request URL

Response Body


"errorCode": "CMN-301",

"message": "Request rate exceeded",

"errors": [


"errorCode": "CMN-301",

"message": "Request rate exceeded"




Response Code


Response Headers


"date": "Sat, 01 Jul 2017 23:23:37 GMT",

"content-length": "161",

"content-language": "en",

"routingkey": "SJC11P01",

"content-type": "application/json"


i am sure that you will help me well.

1 reply

As far as I can tell, it's impossible to implement a working soft phone with merely C#. There is no way to accept a call with C#. There is also no way to make a call directly except Ringout.

If you want to create a soft phone programmatically, you can take a look at webrtc. And here is the library:
