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In RingCentral Embeddable Widget when i end the call from callee side after conversation i am unable to end the call from caller side, he is still in call

  • 26 March 2020
  • 2 replies

The caller made a call to me that is to RingCentral Embeddable widget then i accepted the call and after conversation completed i have end the call but from the caller side the call is not ended. Then at this time the caller himself should end his call.Please reply with solution to end a call from caller side also when the call ended by callee side.

2 replies

Userlevel 2

I am not sure what could be wrong in your environment, but I have never heard such an issue out of 1000+ users who use the embeddable. I also just test myself to confirm that this works well.

My questions for you are, 1) is the issue consistent? 2) did you customize and add the event handler to your Web app?

window.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
  const data =;

Thanks for reply

1)The issue is happening consistently.Suppose i am callee and from side i click on end button on widget then the call is disconnected from my side which is fine but from the caller side the call not disconnected
2)Yes i have used eventhandlers in my app like rc-login-status-notify,rc-call-ring-notify,rc-call-end-notify etc based on our requirements. like as you mentioned above.
