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Invalid application type

  • 19 November 2015
  • 6 replies

I am attempting to access our client's call log and recordings via production api and I am getting the following output: "{'error_description': 'Invalid Application Type.', 'error': 'invalid_client'}". How can we fix this?

6 replies

Hi Riley,

Sorry to hear that you're running into issues, and I'm happy to help.

I have a few questions which will help isolate this quicker:
  1. What is your application name please?
  2. What permissions have you requested for this app please?
    You can view the list of permissions by selecting your app from this page:
    Then copy/paste, in your response, the list of all permissions as listed in Application Credentials -> Permissions
  3. What programming language are you using please?
  4. Are you using one of the RingCentral SDKs please?
  5. You said that you're attempting to fetch data from your client's production RingCentral account, have the API keys associated for your app been authorized for production access? Did you submit a request for production access for the respective app from within the Developer Portal?
  6. Could you provide me the full request (with headers) and the full response you received please? make sure to strip out any the values for: appKey, appSecret, Authorization header, username, password
Having the answers to these questions should provide the data I need to help you.
Hi Riley.

The reason is that your app is now authorized to work only with one RC Production account -- the account associated with your developer organization. Let us know what is your app/organization name, please. 
The org/app name: StataPile Inc/Statapile Portal How can we get access to our current and future clients?
Hi Riley,

I assume you are trying to use the Sandbox app key and app secret for your production account.  please use production app key and app secret instead. 

Please read this article carefully and make changes accordingly. If you still have issues let us know. 
Credentials are not the issue here because we can access our own call log in production. As per Anton, our application cannot access accounts outside of our own. We need to have the ability to access our current and future client accounts as we have been migrating them to ring central.
Yes, Anton is correct, your app is currently set to be a private app. This means that the production keys granted will only be able to access the associated account.

If you want to create an app which permits other access by your other clients, you'll want to create a public app which implements three-legged oauth:
  1. Establishing a redirect URI to configure for the app on the Developer Portal
  2. Opening a browser window to the RingCentral authorization URI embedding the redirect URI
  3. Adding code to the redirect URI page to exchange the authorization code for an access token
An app which implements this workflow is able to handle multiple customer requests appropriately.
