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Is down?

  • 1 April 2020
  • 2 replies

today we move the API interface server to a different cloud computer and restart the services. we are having trouble to subscribe in Ring central

we got the following error

22:54:09 I 00000 Vh00000 : ********* Telus Business Connect service starting *********

22:54:09 I 00000 Vh00000 : Running in local mode ... gettings configs from database

22:54:10 I 00000 Vh00000 : Unicity configured as active

22:54:10 I 00000 Vh00000 : Initializing Ring Central connection and subscription for Unicity

22:54:10 I 00000 Vh00000 : Received access token U0pDMDFQMTFQQVMwMHxBQURSYl9DMmRIb3lIQlo1cHBuWGRyQ0ZNLUY0X0ZBQnJlZmtjaGVYNDNva3ZYdFR5U21kVFJjdkh6VjBFZkFpZUtob2V2X0xkRlBnVUlfdUZWOFNrOU9PUnV0ZjJsaFFfX3FpLXdXMmhXNHpJY0tnZnJndzhYaWtfU2NYZHhyYlNZQk03N1ZQTlAxLVVma1VnWUdHVlo5cEN4LVJwOEJaTzBqUzRUMzYyNXBtaE92eUR6OXBYNlByNkFZczlQNllSMTMwRkNkVkMyUzk5b25KeG9CQVVOLTB8aGYyaWhBfGsyY2dWRF9mZlk4aFd2Wmo2ZmEtY2d8QUE

22:54:10 I 00000 Vh00000 : Preparing configuration data to send to phone integration service ...

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Received account ID 1218369024

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1218369024 / 104

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1218371024 / 115

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1218372024 / 117

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1218373024 / 110

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1218374024 / 101

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1218375024 / 102

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1218376024 / 109

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1218378024 / 105

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1218379024 / 106

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1218380024 / 107

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1218382024 / 108

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1232027024 / 1001

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1235285024 / 9

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1235286024 / 2

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1235287024 / 116

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1237897024 / 10

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1237898024 / 11

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1237902024 / 12

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 333584025 / 1

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Sending config data to phone integration service

22:54:12 I 00000 Vh00000 : There are no active subscriptions

22:54:12 I 00000 Vh00000 : Create subscription attempt 1

22:54:12 I 00000 Vh00000 : Create subscription failed ...

{"errorCode":"SUB-521","message":"WebHook is not reachable","errors":[{"errorCode":"SUB-521","message":"WebHook is not reachable"}]}

22:54:22 I 00000 Vh00000 : Create subscription attempt 2

22:54:23 I 00000 Vh00000 : Create subscription failed ...

{"errorCode":"SUB-521","message":"WebHook is not reachable","errors":[{"errorCode":"SUB-521","message":"WebHook is not reachable"}]}

22:54:33 I 00000 Vh00000 : Create subscription attempt 3

22:54:33 I 00000 Vh00000 : Create subscription failed ...

{"errorCode":"SUB-521","message":"WebHook is not reachable","errors":[{"errorCode":"SUB-521","message":"WebHook is not reachable"}]}

I also tried to ping

and I could not reach it. anything happen to this URL?

2 replies

Userlevel 2

No, the server is up and run normally. I guess the problem is with your new environment. I can see the error message below.

{"errorCode":"SUB-521","message":"WebHook is not reachable","errors":[{"errorCode":"SUB-521","message":"WebHook is not reachable"}]}

Did you change the Webhook delivery address with the new site accordingly?

Of course the is not pingable.

Next time please shorten your log when posting in your question as some log info such as

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1232027024 / 1001

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1235285024 / 9

22:54:11 I 00000 Vh00000 : Extension ID / Number : 1235286024 / 2

do not help to diagnose anything.

thanks Phone,

you are always very helpful. yes, we found the issue in our new server setting. the issue is solved.

always appreciate your help:).
