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is something wrong with the app graduation process for webhooks?

  • 16 March 2022
  • 4 replies

I've deployed my app dozens of times over the past several months however this week I'm seeing a problem with the app graduation process. I've re-run my web hooks about 30 times and still they are not registering. 1647431228607.png

The permissions tab shows no Webhooks


But on the response times tab... what is this n11s? Somewhere RingCentral knows about my webhook subscriptions GET POST and DELETE requests....


Thank you,


4 replies

Also having the same issue as @Zachary Spath -

Userlevel 2

You can exercise the Webhook Subscriptions permission by subscribe, read, renew and delete a subscription several times. Just ignore the n11s/ next to the endpoint. It's an internal path which is not meant be shown there.

@Phong Vu Thank you for your Answer on Zak's Question.

From my side, I can say that I have tried this answer many time, and it just doesn't register the permission as being used.

Is there something else I can try as I am urgently needing to get my client to start using the integration.

My Client_ID = fk1w1cjvQQqptDvg52_sgQ

I have exercised the webhooks get post and delete at least 30 times. My graduation process is scripted so I execute all my endpoints dozens of times.... I'm logging all my api error codes and I'm sure that none of them have resulted in an error. I can confirm that I'm getting events over the webhooks. yet the graduation process indicates no webhooks have been executed and it's been about 24 hours.
