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Is there a way to connect Ring Central with Bitrix24

  • 29 September 2016
  • 1 reply

With bitrix as our companies social, project management, crm portal is there a way we can connect ringcentral up with our client contacts with in bitrix to have a central location to share client info with employees?

1 reply

We highly recommend customers who wish to see a particular integration between RingCentral and other service providers (in this case Bitrix24) to contact your provider account representative. You're the customer and we love listening to you!

You can:
  1. Ask your service provider's account representative, "Are you working on, or do you have upcoming plans to integrate with RingCentral using the RingCentral Connect Platform"?

  2. If they are working/planning on developing an integration, you should share your needs to see if their implementation plans will address your needs

  3. If they are not working/planning on developing an integration, you should tell them how valuable it would be for you to have streamlined interoperability between "Service X" and your RingCentral communications provider. Ask them if there is an integrations product manager who would be interested in hearing about your use-case(s).

You're the customer, and while RingCentral would love to build every integration which is asked of us, that would require massive amounts of developers and would distract from our primary purpose of building best-of-breed, enterprise-class, cloud-based communication services for you!

That is why we have created the RingCentral Connect Platform and opened our API for developers, partners, and system make it easy for customers to get what they want and for other companies to have a streamlined and self-service interface to our Platform.

Of course, for service providers who also offer an API to their customers, but may not have bandwidth to build an integration with RingCentral, you as the customer are always welcome to develop an integration for your own needs as a Private application using the Developer Portal.
