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Is there any documentation for the max length of CallerInfo fields in the CallLog api?

  • 12 September 2017
  • 1 reply

I am writing a searchable indexing engine for calls from the call log. In setting up the database structure, I want to ensure I am using database fields that are long enough to support the data, but also short enough to be efficient if my app is processing millions of these records in a single search. I don't see any documentation for max lengths of the 4 key fields I am indexing (Name, Number, XNumber, and Location):!#MessageStoreCallerInfo

Is there any documentation of the max length of these fields from RingCentral? If not, is there a recommended length to use?

1 reply

The documentation says phone number is in format.

If you are not facing performance issues at the moment, why not just reserve more spaces for them? For example, 128 for name, 256 for location...etc.  I think it is OK to truncate them if they are abnormally long.
