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Issue with Creating Subscription to Presence Event

  • 1 June 2016
  • 2 replies

Getting error while registering for a notification presence event. I have a Office plan, not sure standard or premium.

ANy help would be appreciated.


Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Content-Type: application/json


{ "eventFilters": [



"deliveryMode": {

"transportType": "WebHook"

"address": "{some address}/";




{ "errorCode": "InvalidParameter",

"message": "Parameter [deliveryMode] value is invalid",

"errors": [


"errorCode": "CMN-101",

"message": "Parameter [deliveryMode] value is invalid",

"parameterName": "deliveryMode"



"parameterName": "deliveryMode"


2 replies

Hi Abhi,

deliveryMode looks not really valid, try this:

{  "eventFilters": [
  "deliveryMode": {
        "transportType": "WebHook",
        "address": "{some address}/"
Hello Abhi,

Are you using one of our SDKs( If not, I would recommend using one if possible. There are both RingCentral Official SDKs (software we have invested resources to ensure operability for customers) and Community Developed SDKs (software built by various members of our developer community and who own their own source code).

Also, if you would like to see a very simple demo application I built using our RingCentral JavaScript SDK to create Push Notifications (Subscriptions), you can view it (and follow the file to setup the app to work with your own account) here:

If you use any of the resources available on Github, we ask that you Watch the repository for changes and issues, and if it works well for you "Star" the repository to help show your support. If you experience issues with one of the Github repositories, we just as that you add those issues to the Issue Tracker in Github.

Let me know if this helps, or if you require further assistance.
