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JIRA Webhooks for my own Glip (not a conversation) - how can I alert people when a JIRA task is assigned?

  • 27 March 2018
  • 1 reply

I am looking into creating JIRA webhooks for everyone in our organization to alert them in Glip when a JIRA task is assigned to them. It works great when it is part of a conversation, but that doesn't make sense since its multiple people. Right now, if I assign it to someone in the organization, the webhook works, it is just not alerting anyone. There is no desktop alert and there are no little unread messages noticed on the icon or my name. Does anyone have an idea how I could get this to happen?

1 reply

Hello Philipp,

I am on the Glip product team, please feel free to contact me at whenever is best for you, feel free to message me and we can come to a solution for your issue here.
