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Lazarus Free Pascal

  • 26 June 2020
  • 1 reply

I build software for a busy medical clinic, using the development IDE Lazarus, and the Free Pascal language, on a Microsoft Windows 10 and Microsoft Windows Server 2016 platform.

Our Medical Office Assistants have to dial anywhere from 100 to 600 phone numbers per day each, depending upon the COVID situation. You can imagine the carpel tunnel pain they are going through.

I want to build into my existing app, a button they can click, do dial the RingCentral VIOP phone on their desk, so they don't have to. I imagine they wd: 1) Pick up the hand set 2) Click a button in my app 3) Confirm the phone they are sitting at (once, for first use) 4) Click a button which dials the patient's phone number.

How do I get started? I need to be told which components to use, and I need the code snippets.. or even a functioning example app wd be excellent.

1 reply

Userlevel 2

With that, you can call the RingOut API to place a call between two phone numbers. Unfortunately, we don't have a Pascal SDK but it is just a REST API so if you know how to make an HTTP request, you can easily call the API. Check out the dev guide for more info about the platform caps and for how to get authenticated to call APIs.
