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List Detailed Answering Rules in C#

  • 22 October 2021
  • 1 reply

(I know there is a parameter for detailed, please read) Is there another call to make for detailed instead of simple? In Python I would just add '"view" : "Detailed"' in my params and the output would let me parse through all of the detailed output. However, when adding the detailed param in C# the SDK doesn't have the detailed keys so it throws errors when trying to parse through them.


This is what I'm using

  1. ListAnsweringRulesParameters listAnsweringRulesParameters = new ListAnsweringRulesParameters
  2. {
  3. view = "Detailed",
  4. enabledOnly = true,
  5. };
  7. var handleIDs = await rc.Restapi().Account("~").Extension(;
  9. var fwdId = handleIDs.records"0].forwarding.rules"0].forwardingNumbers"0].id;
  10. var fwdType = handleIDs.records"0].forwarding.rules"0].forwardingNumbers"0].type;

The SDK doesn't have a "forwarding" key (in fwdId and fwdType) after "recordsd0]" so it throws me an error, even though I'm requesting a detailed list

Trying to use the ID/Type to set the users default answering rule, if there's a more simplistic way of doing it please let me know

1 reply

Userlevel 2

I think the SDK has an issue to parse the response for the "Detailed" view. I will ask the SDK team to fix that. Meanwhile, you can work around the problem with this code:

public class DetailedAnsweringRuleInfo
            public string uri { get; set; }
            public string id { get; set; }
            public string type { get; set; }
            public string name { get; set; }
            public bool? enabled { get; set; }
            public ScheduleInfo schedule { get; set; }
            public CalledNumberInfo[] calledNumbers { get; set; }
            public CallersInfo[] callers { get; set; }
            public string callHandlingAction { get; set; }
            public ForwardingInfo forwarding { get; set; }
            public UnconditionalForwardingInfo unconditionalForwarding { get; set; }
            public QueueInfo queue { get; set; }
            public TransferredExtensionInfo transfer { get; set; }
            public VoicemailInfo voicemail { get; set; }
            public GreetingInfo[] greetings { get; set; }
            public string screening { get; set; }
            public SharedLinesInfo sharedLines { get; set; }
            public MissedCallInfo missedCall { get; set; }

public class CustomUserAnsweringRuleList
            public string uri { get; set; }
            public DetailedAnsweringRuleInfo[] records { get; set; }
            public UserAnsweringRuleListPaging paging { get; set; }
            public UserAnsweringRuleListNavigation navigation { get; set; }

static private async Task list_users_answering_rule_raw()
    ListAnsweringRulesParameters listAnsweringRulesParams = new ListAnsweringRulesParameters{
    view = "Detailed";
    enabledOnly = false;
    string endpoint = "restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/answering-rule";
    var response = await rcsdk.Get(endpoint, listAnsweringRulesParams);
    var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();            
    var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomUserAnsweringRuleList>(body);
    foreach (var record in result.records)
        dynamic jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(record);
