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MMS API glitches

  • 4 June 2017
  • 8 replies

We've been doing testing of the new MMS API and are finding a few issues with attachments.

1. Inbound .mp3 attachments (audio/mpeg) never arrive.

Instead, an SMS message with no subject and no binary attachments is received. For example, this was an inbound .mp3 file from an AT&T subscriber (myself):

"uri" : "",
"id" : 789154283012,
"to" : [ {
"phoneNumber" : "+13056151181",
"location" : "Keys, FL"
} ],
"from" : {
"phoneNumber" : "+17865255158"
"type" : "SMS",
"creationTime" : "2017-06-03T16:13:02.000Z",
"readStatus" : "Unread",
"priority" : "Normal",
"attachments" : [ {
"id" : 789154283012,
"uri" : "",
"type" : "Text",
"contentType" : "text/plain"
} ],
"direction" : "Inbound",
"availability" : "Alive",
"messageStatus" : "Received",
"conversationId" : 1344640119899243546,
"conversation" : {
"id" : "1344640119899243546",
"uri" : ""
"lastModifiedTime" : "2017-06-03T16:13:02.167Z"

Outbound .mp3 attachments (audio/mpeg) arrive apparently downsampled and with poor sound quality.

Prior to posting to RingCentral's API, our application converts outgoing attachments to and then from Base64, but I don't suspect this to be the issue.

3. Outbound .zip compressed attachments (application/zip) are never received.

Instead the smart phone recipient (in this case an AT&T subscriber iPhone 7 running iOS10.x ) gets this message:

One or more of the message components have been deleted by MMS Adaptation. Either the message was too large or the components were unsuitable for your handset.

Are there platform-specific issues around certain contentTypes such as zip compressed files? Example outbound .zip file:

4. Inbound .mp4 videos (video/mp4) are being converted to 3gp and downsampled to extremely low resolution/quality.

For example, this video was downsampled from 604 Kilobytes to 64 Kilobytes:

"uri" : "",
"id" : 789217075012,
"to" : [ {
"phoneNumber" : "+13056151181",
"location" : "Keys, FL"
} ],
"from" : {
"phoneNumber" : "+17865255158"
"type" : "SMS",
"creationTime" : "2017-06-03T22:24:54.000Z",
"readStatus" : "Unread",
"priority" : "Normal",
"attachments" : [ {
"id" : 789217075012,
"uri" : "",
"type" : "Text",
"contentType" : "text/plain"
}, {
"id" : 189966622012,
"uri" : "",
"type" : "MmsAttachment",
"contentType" : "video/3gpp",
"size" : 66006
} ],
"direction" : "Inbound",
"availability" : "Alive",
"subject" : " ",
"messageStatus" : "Received",
"conversationId" : 1344640119899243546,
"conversation" : {
"id" : "1344640119899243546",
"uri" :"

8 replies

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Our Team is aware of the issue and we are working on resolving it at the moment. Please watch out this space for updates.

Thank you for your patience.
Thanks AK.

Just for giggles, we also noticed that outbound animated GIFs lose their animation when they arrive to the recipient (inbound animated GiFs seem to be ok).

Inbound GIF example:


Outbound GIF example, this is what the recipient gets:

Hi Automation USA,

Could you please re-test for all the cases mentioned above and let us know your results. 

Hi AK,

1. Inbound .mp3 attachments (audio/mpeg) never arrive. 
         -- Still happening

2. Outbound .mp3 attachments (audio/mpeg) arrive apparently downsampled and with poor sound quality. 
         -- Still happening to standard .mp3 files with MPEG layer formatting
         --  but not to .mp3 with other formats like AMR Narrowband (see DropBox link)

3. Outbound .zip compressed attachments (application/zip) are never received.
         -- Still happening, recipient gets same message
           "One or more of the message components have been deleted by MMS Adaptation..."

4. Inbound .mp4 videos (video/mp4) are being converted to 3gp and downsampled to extremely low resolution/quality
         -- Still happening, (see DropBox link)

I have tried all the 4 options above and here are my findings:

1.) Inbound .mp3 files arrive maybe within 4 seconds the message has been sent. I tried receiving a .mp3 file from both PSTN numbers and the RingCentral Numbers, both the cases work as expected.

2.) What is the client on which you are testing the outbound .mp3 attachments? I retrieved the contents of the outbound message ( tested using the RingCentral for Mac Client ) and it works perfectly fine for me. Could be a client-related issue as the size and the quality of the outbound message is same as on the receiving end.

3.) .zip attachments also work fine with the outbound messages. Again, this feature was also tested on RingCentral for Mac Client

If you are still having trouble testing the above-mentioned features, we can certainly hop on a call and go over it.

Please provide an email ID or if you could submit a support ticket, I could arrange for a call.

Hi AK,

First of all, which RingCentral for Mac Cient are you referring to?

I have Release: (64-bit) and I can't attach a single thing to an outbound Text message. When I check for updates, it tells me I have the latest version of the client.

Same is true of my RingCentral client for iOS [ ( ]. How are you sending outbound MMS attachments from any RingCentral app? Am I missing something?

Also, I just tried sending attachments from iChat (linked to my AT&T account) and it crashed my RingCentral Desktop client on the same Mac. I sent myself an MP3 file and an MP4 file. The RingCentral Mac client shows blank bubbles for both inbound messages. The RingCentral iOS client shows a blank bubble for the mp3 file and a 3GP file that cannot be played in place of the mp4 attachment.

I tried sending out a .zip file from iChat/Messages and it won't even send from my Mac, so couldn't test inbound.

None of these issues I just described are in any way related to my REST API integration glitches, I just mention them because I can't seem to make MMS work for me on the desktop with the native RIngCentral app, or on the iPhone client with anything other than inbound image files...

Now, about my REST API issues with MMS, you can certainly contact me at or 305-570-2631
All my tests were conducted on the version: Release: (64-bit) of RingCentral for Mac 

How are you sending outbound MMS attachments from any RingCentral app? Am I missing something?

Once you login to the Softphone application, there is a button called "Compose Text" and you could add the attachments into it. 

Thanks, Julio. I will send out a meeting invite for tomorrow.
