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Not Understanding the WebRTC API

  • 13 February 2020
  • 1 reply

I built a quick app with the WebRTC API using the PHP demo code. I have my cell phone set as the recipient and when I run the code my cell phone rings. But what I hear on the other end is both "This is a test from Ring Central..." but I also hear my own voicemail answering. Why does it do that?

Also, I have a RC softphone app on my Mac that is logged into that RC number but nothing happens, should it ring? My expectation is that my mobile will ring and I answer and the softphone will ring and i will answer that as well, and be connected. Am I wrong?

1 reply

Userlevel 2

Looks like the problem is not relating to WebRTC API. What you heard first "This is a test call from Ring Central..." is the "water mark" of RingCentral sandbox account. You won't hear that in your production account. You also heard your own voicemail answering might be because of your extension settings which directs incoming call to your voice mailbox.

You wrote "Also, I have a RC softphone app on my Mac that is logged into that RC number but nothing happens...", I am not sure who calls whom and why both phones (mobile and Mac) should ring. Please describe better so I can understand your problem.
