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Phone CALL [Agent 1 to 10] Alpha 0.01 [In Review]

  • 16 January 2020
  • 3 replies

Hello, we are currently working on devlopping a phone app with RingCentral for Devlopper. Our app name is Phone CALL [Agent 1 to 10] Alpha 0.01, I would like to know how long it can take to be abble to test this in noraml environement, not in sandbox. Please let me know when should we expect the full version. Oh and I saw that client ID was required so here it his: WI0MV0hXTDO_gW8sxgQatg

Thanks a lot !
Hope we can get on track fast !

3 replies

Userlevel 2

I am having problem to access the ad min tool, where I can see your app details and analytics. I will have a look at it as soon as I gain the access.

Meanwhile, you can login the RingCentral developer portal, and check if the "Submit" button is enabled or not.

If the button is enabled, you can simply click it to graduate your app. If you app is a private app, it will be graduated immediately, if it is a public app, it will be reviewed by our team before the graduation.

If the button is disabled, follow the instructions on this page to manage the graduation.

Ok thanks ! App is private but still need a review, please check it and comeback to me !
Thanks a lot !

What should i do?
