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Rate limit impact on access and refresh tokens?

  • 4 September 2018
  • 2 replies


We occasionally see 429 responses due to our batching of status checks against the RC REST API. If we receive a 429, but then continue to hit the endpoint, does RC eventually invalidate the access and refresh tokens? We are running into a problem where we cannot seem to get a new refresh token because the old one is invalid even though it appears it should be valid.


2 replies

Jonathan, see!#APIRateLimits.html

The fact that you are getting 429 does not cause token invalidation. There are multiple possible reasons why refresh tokens may become invalid:
* Previously completed refreshment transaction (old tokens become invalid)
* End user password change
* Direct revocation via API
* Session invalidation by end-user via Service Web portal
* Expiration
* Reaching the limit of simultaneously active sessions.

Hope it helps. If you provide some reference to your account (client_id or RC account ID or organization name) I can take a look in our logs about your particular case.

One more reason the token can get invalidate is if someone calling API and passing the active token to revoke. This will also make a toke invalid
