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Raw JSON to view call logs so I can see individual call recordings

  • 9 December 2020
  • 9 replies

Hi there

I am extremely new to this forum. I have signed up to the sandbox environment and wish to create some raw JSON to firstly "pass" a given telephone number and then to receive a response back with all the call recordings/call log list based on that telephone number. I have worked with raw JSON before but after extensive reading in the documentation I cannot see how to get started with the API. I want to use password flow authentication because I have solely created a CRM application (server-side application in the cloud) which will be doing the processing work, as opposed to a physical user. Ultimately all I want to do is allow my CRM application automatic"permission" to access the API and access the call recordings/log by passing the API a telephone number so I can then see the individual call recording IDs for that telephone number so ultimately a user in my CRM can play a call recording.

I believe the POST URL I need to access the API with password flow is as follows (an example):

Authorization: Basic cmVsLWFsbC1wZXJtaXNzaWXFjMmpRZmlQcnlkSUkweE92QQ== grant_type=password&username=18559100010&extension=101&password=121212

The username is the telephone number I was assigned when I signed up to the sandbox account and the password is my password I use to log into the sandbox account. However I am not sure what "cmVsLWFsbC1wZXJtaXNzaWXFjMmpRZmlQcnlkSUkweE92QQ" is in the example above which is provided by the documentation? Nor do I know what my "extension" is. Is this my extension or the telephone number I want to "pass" to the API in order to get the call logs belonging to that telephone number?

I do not have an account id too which is needed for other forms of authentication. My account manager says I will not get an account id until I send my application off to RingCentral for review and once accepted only then will I get an account ID?? My application is completely secure and server-side. It would be impossible to "send off" to anyone as it is an entire CRM application. That aside I think I can get it working by using the password flow authentication (as long as I don't need the account ID parameter at a later time?)

However I am stuck on how to "pass" the API a telephone number and get the response back with the resultant call log with each call recording ID belonging to that telephone number. Ultimately I need the call recording ID's so my user can play a call recording on the front end. I cannot find a clear example of simple working code in raw json to start working on my project . Please can anyone help?

Thank you very much for any help. I really appreciate it.


9 replies


is the Base 64 encoding of your Client id and Client secret you need to encode in format of

Authorization Basic <clientId:clientSecret in Base64>

This is require to pass as authentication to get Oauth token. You will get the clent id and client secret in credentials section of your app.

You can check your account id number with this following API:


You will get account id and extension id in response

Thank you for your help Anirban. I will give it a go and see how I get on.

Does anyone have any working examples of accessing a call log by passing a telephone number querystring and the individual call recordings related to that telephone number?

@Anirban How do I carry out the part you suggested to get my account number and extension:

" " Where do I run this? I have Postman so can run test code there. But surely I need something to unique to identify me in order to run this generic line of code?

This is a GET method you can run in postman with the url.

You just need to pass access token you got it from previous call

Once you get the token you call GET and pass the access token in Header :-

Authorization Bearer <access_token>

You will get a response something like this example:

    "uri": "",
    "id": 123456789,

123456789 will be account id and 987654321 will be extension id

Thank you for your help with this. I really appreciate it.

Hi I am sorry but I have another question please: in your comment above

  1. cmVsLWFsbC1wZXJtaXNzaWXFjMmpRZmlQcnlkSUkweE92QQ== 

is the Base 64 encoding of your Client id and Client secret you need to encode in format of

  1. Authorization Basic <clientId:clientSecret in Base64>

I have got my client ID and client secret from my app settings. Please can you tell me how I pass this to Postman - do I POST it like follows:

Authorization: Basic <MY CLIENT ID>:<MY CLIENT SECRET>== grant_type=password&username=18559100010&extension=101&password=121212

(Replacing MY CLIENT ID with my client ID and replacing MY CLIENT SECRET with my client secret? So both the client id and client secret are just separated by a colon ":"? I have tried to "POST" this in Postman but without success. When I have used Postman before the POST field normally only takes one line, normally in the form of a URL with querystrings or query parameters.

Thank you for any help.

@Anirban Thank you. I will use the clone option next time.

It's working and can get my account ID by using the access token I received earlier. I am now trying to access the Call Log. I have downloaded RingCentral's soft phone desktop application and have made an INBOUND call using my cell/mobile phone to my developer test telephone number, which works, and I have recorded two or three inbound calls. I cannot make test outbound calls because I'm on a test developer account. My app has Read Call Log permission .

When I run the following GET command: HTTP/1.1

And use the following headers:

Content-Type: application/json 
Accept: application/json 
Authorization: Bearer <MY ACCESS TOKEN> 

Nothing entered in the Body.

When I click Send in Postman I get the following error message:

{     "errorCode": "AGW-404",     "message": "Resource not found",     "errors": [] 

@Anirban please can you tell me how I can use Postman to "pass" an example telephone number and pass an example "dateFrom" to my app so I can return the call log only for that telephone number for all results received on or after the specified "dateFrom" value? Currently I am able to return the whole entire call log but I want to be able to query and filter to show all results in the logs for a particular telephone number and dateFrom value and even dateTo value if possible.

Thank you for any help. I really appreciate it.
