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Read SMS on various account

  • 11 August 2019
  • 1 reply

Is there a way to read SMS messages from multiple accounts from one logged in account (i.e. can the admin/superuser log with their credentials to read messages for all of its employees?).

1 reply

Userlevel 2

I guessed that you meant to read SMS from multiple extensions (think of an account is a company and extensions are employees)

The answer is no, right now you cannot read SMS messages of other extensions even if you logged in with an admin user. To read SMS messages of all extensions under an account, you can 2 options below:

Read the message store:

  1. Login with an admin user
  2. Read all extensions info (/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension)
  3. Parse the response and get all the extensions' id
  4. Read the message store of all extensions (one by one) using the extension id. E.g.




Export the message store

  1. Login with an admin user
  2. Export the message store. Read this blog for more info
