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resource for parameter accountid is not found when tryinfg to send fax

  • 27 October 2020
  • 2 replies

Trying to send fax using the example code: this is throwing:

Resource for parameter [accountId] is not found

The code I am using

from ringcentral import SDK

rcsdk = SDK("xxxxx...", "xxxxx...", "")
platform = rcsdk.platform()
platform.login("+15551212", "101", "password")
accountId= "+phonenumber"
extensionId= "101"
builder = rcsdk.create_multipart_builder()
'to' :[{'phonenumber': recipient}],
'faxresolution': "High'",
'coverPageText': "This is a fax page sent to you automatically"
request = builder.request(f'/restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/fax')
resp = platform.send_request(request) #Exception here

My question is what is tbe accountId, I ave been using the phonenumber listed in my account. There seems to be no other reference to accountid anywhere?

2 replies

You can use to get your account id number in response as Id

Thanks, I seem to be getting the accountid, however, when I try to run the above code, I get
resource not found

at this point:
platform.login("+15551212", "101", "password")

What Am I missing?
