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restapi/v1.0/account/~/recording/571972774064 returns CMN-102 not found despite having an existing object in the call log record

  • 13 March 2019
  • 3 replies

As the title suggests there is a recording entry attached to a call log record which is not returning the recording meta data.

Any ideas?

3 replies

Userlevel 2
Can you show the code how you read the recording attachment? It full uri is returned from the recording.contentUri and it should look like this:[]accountId/recording/6197327004/content 
Your content id looks too long and missing the /content

Let me know
Hello, the code is doing a GET on:

This is only for getting the call meta data and not for getting the /content.

This is a step before reading the recording attachment.

The response is:

"errorCode" : "CMN-102", "message" : "Resource for parameter [callRecordingId] is not found",

This has turned into a bigger problem now as we have 10 or so calls that return recording objects but throw exceptions when accessing the recording metadata / content; is there an update on this?

Kind regards,
