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RingCentral Embeddable SMS pass the " Message" after click , can it be done?

  • 3 December 2018
  • 8 replies

RingCentral Embeddable SMS pass the " Message" as well after the click, can it be done?

<a href="sms://+12121231234?body=Test Message Text">Send a SMS message</a>

8 replies

Hi, Sal. This feature hasn't been supported in RingCentral Embeddable. But it is a great idea, and not hard to implement.  I have created a issue in here and add it to our backlog.
Hi, Sal. We have supported this feature in master branch release. You can try it in the bottom of here  It supports to pass message text by 'sms:+1234567890?text=test_content' or use Go to SMS api.
Thanks, for the help. I was able to pass the " text".

There is any way to make it send the "text" automatically without pressing the " send " button on the widget? like when you click to "call" its automatically dial for you.

As of 04/12/2021,

this Html code stop working. any update to the code?

simple <a href="sms:+1234567890?body=test_body">sms:+1234567890</a> is not working

any solution?

Hi Sal, can you help to test directly at this page's c2d section
Actually, when I test at my side, it works well, and we doesn't have any update at the feature.
And can you help to provide the URI that you use to embed the app, and provide some logs or screenshot, and browser version to help us track the issue.

any update?

@sal-dashyan can you test directly at this page's c2d section
Actually, we doesn't have any update at the feature.
And can you help to provide the URI that you use to embed the app, and provide some logs or screenshot, and browser version to help us track the issue.

Thank you,

it was something to do with HTTPS, the page that I was working on was on non-secure ( HTTP) page.

and i guess it didn't play well, the embedded ring central App wasn't loading on HTTP, only on HTTPS.
