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ringout chinese phone is not working

  • 18 October 2018
  • 10 replies

I am in china so I want to use the API to implement the function like RingMe

curl --request POST     --url ''     --header 'accept: application/json'     --header 'authorization: Bearer U0pDMTFQMDFQQVMwMHxBQUFmMF90YXV6TFB5czAtbkhNNXJtNUt5LUpldmRyODJaMXBCWHctZE9HNC1mQUNVbXZfM2dxbXBfYkZSQVRWYWMxNF9QWWRPMEVYNEV2UTBjM2U1NkM0bG00bV8tVEhZVDNIczcycTVONm13NnpEY1prenJmalhMMHY5ZkV3S01HeFZVZDJsdE56bHpxUWdXeXlfV0dHaHZzT0dCZ3MwSVFZaEpCMDRVeHpBY3V4dDczdWotaTYxdFBzWGFlMUhhTUZwWWlvSjRrRDBSUFBUdHdFRzVRSW18T3FTSzFRfHhPcFMyTlRMOERuc0t4QzExdkFjRVF8QUE'     --header 'content-type: application/json'  

--data '{"from":{"phoneNumber":"8613964212705"},"to":{"phoneNumber":"(800) 2327145"},"playPrompt":false,"country":{"id":"86"}}'

but my phone is not calling my phone number is 13964212705

10 replies

Two things for you to try:

1. Format your Chinese number as 0118613964212705 

2. switch from and to

Let me know how it goes.
it is not working    I get RingOut call status  :"id":1425053324363432


Make RingOut Call   like this 
--data '{"from":{"phoneNumber":"0118613964212705 "},"to":{"phoneNumber":"1(408) 681-8999"},"playPrompt":true}'
if  i use USA phone Number  it is working , but  Chinese Number  is not working    I do not know Why?      and   if  i use RingMe , Chinese Number  is working
I just tested calling your number from RingCentral App.   0118613964212705 

It said: ,,0

Then I tried 01186013964212705 and it worked

So the correct number format is 011860 + your mobile phone number

curl --request POST     --url ''     --header 'accept: application/json'     --header 'authorization: Bearer U0pDMTFQMDFQQVMwMHxBQUFmMF90YXV6TFB5czAtbkhNNXJtNUt5LUpldmRyODJaMXBCWHctZE9HNC1mQUNVbXZfM2dxbXBfYkZSQVRWYWMxNF9QWWRPMEVYNEV2UTBjM2U1NkM0OVc3MTdBTDAyZExIczcycTVONm13X0RDUHl1ajAtaWdNc2tJMnJELVVFbnJwbDRJcEd5YlNjb0lKRFhwTUI4dTllcXlNVkpfY2E0aEpCMDRVeHpBY29CanJlNi1BNmMtdFBzWGFlMUhhTUVfWEtXLXZ2VHpwZmhvVUxnNDdwcGZ8T3FTSzFRfG9ZaFdpZjZzVEhiRU5TSzNIZnduSmd8QUE'     --header 'content-type: application/json'  
--data '{"from":{"phoneNumber":"1(408) 681-8999"},"to":{"phoneNumber":"01186013964212705"},"playPrompt":true}'  

API RingCentral phone
Can you call me  please?     Thanks very much

I didn't receive your call
I use the official RingCentral App  like this, 
my phone work
But  I use API   it doesn't work.    like this
I donot know why?  please help me 
,,WebRingOut  ,
Mac RingCentral Phone  ,     ? , 
