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RingOut creating Outbound and Inbound calls

  • 13 July 2017
  • 8 replies

I'm using the RingOut API to initiate calls for my customers and I'm monitoring the events. When I initiate a call to a number A, 2 calls are being created and I'm receiving events of both of them.

I'm sending the following body:

from: {phoneNumber: "NUMBER_A"},
to: {phoneNumber: "NUMBER_B"},
playPrompt: true

Then I start receiving the following events:

[{          telephonyStatus: 'Ringing',         from: 'NUMBER_A',         id: '',         to: 'NUMBER_B',         sessionId: '35393577028',         direction: 'Outbound'   }]

The one above is ok, but then I receive these:

 [{         telephonyStatus: 'Ringing',         from: 'NUMBER_B',         id: 'b536df52145149d6af765f47a2ec6ed9',         to: 'NUMBER_A',         sessionId: '35393581028',         direction: 'Inbound'  },{         telephonyStatus: 'CallConnected',         from: 'NUMBER_A',         id: 'c4e45991e1d84caa9dccd6e9b76d1e10',         to: 'NUMBER_B',         sessionId: '35393577028',         direction: 'Outbound'  }]

See the call log below:

I'd like to know if I'm doing something wrong or if I could relate both events because I don't believe it's reliable to correlate the "from" and "to" properties from the events, or even if I could change the way I'm doing the RingOut and make it stop creating two calls, when it was suppose to just create an Outbound call. Any guidance here will be really appreciated!

Let me know if you need further information.

8 replies

I confirm that RingOut does generate two call log records. Let me know if you have any questions.
The issue I'm experiencing is the same as this guy did:

After the last response, I'm not sure if I understood what was the solution or what the guy had to do.

Let me know if really there isn't anything else to do.
Hi Tyler, have you had the chance to take a look at the reference I've sent?
It's really important for us to receive an answer from you guys before we take the next step, otherwise we could just waste time going into the wrong direction.
There would be two call logs or rather two records within the active calls object of the API response when you receive a Presence notification as below:

  "uuid": "3219598113702261466-7473112250947924986",
  "timestamp": "2017-07-14T17:29:10.968Z",
  "subscriptionId": "103a9249-a0d9-420c-a545-fecc97ff6782",
  "body": {
    "extensionId": 734191020,
    "telephonyStatus": "Ringing",
    "activeCalls": [
        "id": "9834152a1f624655b8e9065d3accb384",
        "direction": "Inbound",
        "fromName": "xxxx xxxx     ",
        "from": "RingCentral Number (ext number)",
        "toName": "Anil Digital Line Only",
        "to": "Customer Number",
        "telephonyStatus": "Ringing",
        "startTime": "2017-07-14T17:28:59.314Z"
        "id": "a3945590afb8496c8d0a5553842a042a",
        "direction": "Outbound",
        "fromName": "Anil Digital Line Only",
        "from": "RingCentral Number",
        "toName": "Customer Name",
        "to": "Customer Number",
        "telephonyStatus": "CallConnected",
        "sessionId": "158674552020",
        "startTime": "2017-07-14T17:28:59.220Z"
    "sequence": 555006,
    "presenceStatus": "Available",
    "userStatus": "Available",
    "dndStatus": "TakeAllCalls",
    "allowSeeMyPresence": true,
    "ringOnMonitoredCall": false,
    "pickUpCallsOnHold": false
As you are initiating a Ringout between one of the numbers on your account and an external number / Internal number you would see the active calls for the two legs. 

If you would like to just refer to a single call log record then you could refer to the records with the direction: "Outbound"

As the sessionID remains the same for this leg ( direction: " Outbound / Inbound " ) across all the three events:

1.) Ringing
2.) Call Connected
3.) No Call 

@AK But what if another incoming call comes at the same time when the number A is talking to number B . We may miss that particular call log from our side if we refer only direction as Outbound.
I did lots of investigation. And our internal development team also faces this issue and there is no perfect solution yet.

There is a solution which works most of the time (maybe 99%):
Outbound fromNumber = inbound toNumber 
Math.abs(outbound sessionId inbound sessionId) is one of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000.

Then you can assert that they are actually two legs of the same call instead of two separate calls.
@Tyler Long Did you find any perfect solution for above problem other than mentioned workaround. Still we are getting two call log records.
Actually the workaround I mentioned is deprecated, you should not use it anymore!

It is a known bug of our side and we need to fix it.

I will push the engineering team.
