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Salesforce- Call out

  • 17 August 2015
  • 5 replies


When making a call from Salesforce, a connection call is required for the user to their desktop app (and/or smart phone app) before a call is placed for Salesforce contact


To place a call directly to contact in Salesforce without having to connect to application via phone call


Have not been able to troubleshoot- no settings/ config to change this either

Software: (not applicable)

5 replies

If the phone number is a Direct number/ PSTN number and a hard phone is connected to it, using ring-out you can make a call directly to the hard phone. If the phone number is a Digital line you will need a soft-phone to pick up the call. 

Is the salesforce contact digital line or direct number?  If its digital line , you need a soft phone.
The Salesforce contact is a cell phone. I recently got off the phone with RC Customer Support and they told me that this connecting call was necessary because Salesforce does not have a dial out capability. I still find this odd when Ring Central is logged into on SF website (with corresponding ext desktop app is open as well)
Are the customer using Ring out API - Click to call feature?
Hello Peter, 
Let me explain further what you heard from RC customer support and VB is referring to. The current version of the App does not act as a phone or does not have the capability to conduct voice call but rather use RC API under the covers to connect your RC phone with your party.

The good news is that we are working towards an App that will have voice call capabilities and you will not have to use the RC phone for voice conversation.  We should have the App ready early next year or perhaps sooner 

Thank you for clarifying and explaining this missing piece of information.
You all have been a great help
