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SMS Issue in Sandbox errorCode MSG-242

  • 5 April 2023
  • 7 replies

I am recieving the below error when testing in the API explorer. Any idea what the issue is?

Request: curl --request POST  --url ''  
--header 'accept: application/json'  
--header 'authorization: Bearer xxxUFIRQ'  
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{"from":{"phoneNumber":"+13236483519"},"text":"hello world","to":;{"phoneNumber":"+15514042223"}]}'
"errorCode": "FeatureNotAvailable", 
"message": "The requested feature is not available",
"errors": ; { "errorCode": "MSG-242", "message": "The requested feature is not available" } ]

7 replies

Userlevel 2

SMS enabled for your number. Please retest.

BTW, next time please clean the post by breaking into lines to make it readable. I fixed it this time.

Dear @Phong Vu, I am also facing same problem. I work with the sandbox +16506950410. Could you please enable Sms service?

Userlevel 2

SMS enabled for your number. Please retest.

Next time, please post a new question to avoid bothering other with thread updated notification. Thanks

thank you!

Hello @Phong Vu / @Dmitriy Ivanov

I have now graduated to production and seeing the same error. Do you need to enable something again? thanks.


{ "from": { "phoneNumber": "+16466502260" }, "to": [ { "phoneNumber": "+15514042223" } ], "text": "Helo World" }


{ "errorCode": "FeatureNotAvailable", "message": "The requested feature is not available", "errors": [ { "errorCode": "MSG-242", "message": "The requested feature is not available" } ] }

Same problem, @Phong Vu could you help me to enable SMS?

Sandbox: +13132462899

Dear @Phong Vu

I am also facing the same problem. I work with the sandbox +13132462899. Could you please enable SMS service?
