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SMS messages with message status DeliveryFailed

  • 30 November 2018
  • 2 replies

I want to update our database any time a messageStatus changes to "DeliveryFailed". The message_store event sends a notification anytime a message is updated, but it does not include any message IDs to fetch the messageStatus.

I know I can fetch the message list and cycle through results to update the status, but this seems inefficient since there is no way of filtering on messageStatus.

Is there a subscription or event that will send a notification with message ID any time delivery fails? If not, what would be the most efficient way to update messages that failed delivery?

2 replies

Unfortunately we do not have corresponding notification today for outgoing SMS. But it looks like a good feature request. I will talk to our PMs about it.

For the time being, I believe the best way how it can be supported today is to combine existing message update notifications you mentioned and Message Sync API. So, each time the notification arrives you can call Message-Sync API to identify the list of updated messages since last invocation. See!#RefMessageSync.html

Not sure if that if that feature of sending notification with message id for failed status is still introduced or not, but definitely in meantime you can take a look on new API reference docs with Message Sync API :

Hope that help
