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Start Time of Call Log Record Doesn't Line Up with any Event Time of Telephony Session Event for Same Call

  • 31 October 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello all and apologies for the long title. Hopefully it aptly describes my question but I will elaborate further.

My company collects RC call data for many of our customers - specifically their call data is sent to us via telephony session event webhook. With all the events, we build the call in our system. The issue is that the calls we create do not have the same start time as their call log record in RC. We use the eventTime of the first setup event (sequence: 2) as the calls start time, however, when we hit RC's call log API and find the same call, it has a different start time. The start time of the call log record is often only off by milliseconds, however, it's enough to cause a discrepancy between our system and RingCentrals.

Should we be using a different event for the calls start time so that it lines up with RC? I've looked through the events of a few sessions and it seems that none of the eventTimes of the events line up with the calls start time in RC.

Thank you in advance.

1 reply

Userlevel 2

There could be some difference between the telephony session event time and the call record time in the call log. But it would be just about few milliseconds. If you see a big difference (seconds) then please submit a dev support ticket and provide the details.
