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Status & Review Not Updating

  • 16 November 2020
  • 1 reply

Show's last update was 2020-11-16, 12:19:09 UTC and trying the manual refresh does not update.

Also, I was 90% done my calls this past Saturday, when waiting on a refresh to apply for production after completing the other 10%, the 90% of completed calls showed not complete and I had to start over today. Do you have to make these calls within a certain time period for them to be considered "complete" or did something break on RC end?

But my main issue is that today I have successfully made every call needed to apply for production, the Status & Review page still shows all calls as not complete 2 hours after making them.

1 reply

Maybe I was impatient, they just loaded but still show one call that I definitely made as not complete.

What interval does the status & review page update in? Seems like I waited almost 3 hours for it to mark my calls complete which is frustrating, especially when it's not marking completed calls as complete.
