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SUB-525 - Sandbox Webhook Subscription Failure

  • 25 May 2018
  • 2 replies

HI Everyone,

I'm facing a cumbersome issue when trying to create my WebHook Subscription via POSTMAN to my sandbox account. I have deployed a service on AWS that can be accessed:

Furthermore, it passes all TLS/SSL checks as shown here:

I have implemented also the Validation-Token check and return as explained in the docs and as showcased in all the NodeJS code samples.

Whenever I call the API





  "deliveryMode": {

    "transportType": "WebHook",


    "address": "";



I always keep getting the SUB-525 Webhook server response is invalid

What is puzzling to me is that my server is never logging such requests made by the RingCentral servers. And I have logs on every entry point of such webservice.

This is very puzzling...

Please could you please guide/help me address this issue since as you can tell, if you test using POSTMAN or cURL, you will notice that all my requirements have been met to register my webhook.

Any advice is welcomed.

Many thanks,

2 replies

Hi Camilo,

I've been able to verify your experience using cURL (Validation-Token) and a Create Subscription API call (error). I've also replicated all your response headers on my own test server which doesn't have the issue.

If you create a support ticket, the team should be able to look into our request logs to analyze what's happening with your endpoint. Can you create a support ticket using the links at the bottom of the following page or by sending an email to the developer support team?

