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Subscription Events No longer working.

Shortly after applying for production and going live with my app, event subscriptions stopped working. There are no error messages after subscribing. The problem is that the routine that runs when a event fires never gets called. I am using the official .NET SDK. I can still make normal API calls and receive data back with no issues.

The App has both read presence and read account permissions. I have also tried creating another test app in the sandbox with the same result.

Any help would be appreciated.

7 replies

Did you change the app key and app secret to reflect the settings in Production.  In other words,  are you looking at the test account or the production account?
I have tested both in production and the test account. They both have the same result, able to make API calls, just not receive events. I am wondering if there is a network disconnect for pubnub subscriptions that may have changed? Is there any changes that may have happened to how that works? Our firewall is very complex and does policy based forwarding depending on it sees traffic, but we have not changed anything on our end. Again, I am able to subscribe with no issues. I receive the OK message back on connection when subscribing.
Which version of the .NET SDK are you using please?

There is a known issue (closed) in Github ( for older versions of the ringcentral csharp sdk.

Also, you might want to report this issue on Github for the CSharp SDK if it is not related to the aforementioned, resolved, issue.
Additionally, please take a look at a sample demo application which checks for presence events :

I added the .NET SDK from NuGet and the latest it will let me pull is 0.1.21. It will not let me select "alpha 7". Is there a way for me to use NuGet to get the latest? 

Update: I was able to manually download the zip from github and compile the source. I am now receiving events again. Thanks for that.

The questions that remains is how do I pull the 1.0.0 branch using NuGet instead of the master? It is much nicer for NuGet to handle getting the compiled DLL vs having to get the source and compile in the solution.

This is typically managed by the owner of the NuGet package (and that is typically the owner of the repository on Github). You could create an question/issue on the Github repository asking when the updated package will be published to NuGet.

If it is listed in NuGet as an available version for a package, I believe you can also use the -Version <version> option from the command line.
