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Subscription for post events for multiple accounts

  • 20 March 2018
  • 3 replies


I'm planning to implement an integration app to subscribe on posts events, and allow different accounts/companies to use this integration app.

For this subscription, we have to pass the Authorization and Validation-Token as header parameters, is there a way to do that for multiple accounts?

The purpose is to publish an integration app to be apart of the integrations section in Glip, and allow companies install and use the integration.

what can be shown in the installation forum? Can I get the access token and the authorization of the account that wants to install the integration?

3 replies

> For this subscription, we have to pass the authorization and validation-token as header parameters, is there a way to do that for multiple accounts?

There is not for the 'Authorization' bearer access token request header. An access token is tied to an app+user so each user will have their own access token which your app needs to keep a track of. The unique id for a user is the user's extensionId so you can create a mapping of extensionId to access token in your app.

The 'Validation-Token' response header is independent of account and user extension since all you need to do with it is populate it with the value you receive in the 'Validation-Token' request header.

> what can be shown in the installation forum?

If you mean the App Gallery (, we can provide a description of and link to your app for installation into the user's account.

> Can I get the access token and the authorization of the account that wants to install the integration?

Yes, when a user wishes to install your app, you should initiate a 3-legged OAuth flow which will provide a login to the user and return an access token for the user to your app. If you are building a server-side app, you should use the Authorization Code flow. If you are building a client-side (in-browser) app, you should use the Implicit flow.
Thanks, that was helpful:).

I have another question.

To subscribe to posts events, we need to use this testing URL:, and we have to pass as header parameters, the Authorization and the Validation-Token.
I just need to validate if I understand that correctly, the Validation-Token, is the token that was generated in the app, and wont be changed for all the subscription for every account that needs to use the integration. is that right?

And the Authorization is the access token that will get it from the OAuth flow, that corresponds the specific account, is that right? 

Are those parameters enough to listen to the specific account posts events?

Just to clarify, I'm trying to implement a public application, that multiple accounts/companies can use. And my purpose is to subscribe to the posts events for each account separately.

Thanks :).


BTW, if you are interested in making this a public (vs. private) thread, you may get more responses from our community developers.
