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Telephony Session Identifiers - Unique across all Ring Central accounts?

  • 15 January 2021
  • 2 replies

Our public app will subscribe to telephony session event notifications (webhooks) on behalf of multiple RingCentral accounts.

To distinguish incoming telephony events between accounts, will the Telephony Session Identifier be enough to uniquely identify a session to a client, or a combination of account Id and session Id be necessary? Basically, will there ever be a case where 2 different RC accounts would have telephony sessions with the same session Id?


2 replies

Userlevel 2

Saying "across all RingCentral accounts" do you really mean different companies? Many developers called accounts but they just meant extensions so I need to confirm. Anyway, I believe that the telephony session id is unique.

If you meant different companies, you should first identify the account id, then the telephony session id, this way you can identify which company to operate on.

Thanks Phong. "Yes", I mean across different companies that use both RingCentral and our software. We plan on storing all session events in the db as they arrive. Don't want to later retrieve a group of event records that share the same sessionId, but belong to multiple companies. If that's a possibility we'll have to key off of both sessionId and companyId (or accountId as you mention). We'll always store the accountId, but don't want to key off it if we don't have to.
