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The number you have dialled is temporality unavailable

  • 10 December 2020
  • 8 replies

I have set up an app that calls a web hook on an incoming call and managed to do soon initial testing fine by calling the main number. I have moved the app to the clients account and have it in the sandbox, but when I call the main number (sandbox) I get a voice response "The number you have dialled is temporality unavailable" and that is all I get. The configuration looks to be the same as my developer account, and I am at a bit of a loss at working out what is happening.

Any help would be appreciated .

8 replies

Userlevel 2

Simple test, can you dial that number using your phone?

I have been trying the phone, and that is the recorded message I am getting

@Catherine Kirkland What @Phong Vu mean to say that have you tried dialing the same number with your personal phone or any other phone for testing? If yes, are you getting the same message that you got from RingCentral?

I have tried calling form my iPhone and through the RingCentral website, and I am getting the same issue in both cases.

Userlevel 2

I still don't get what you do and what is going on. "calling form my iPhone and through the RingCentral website". What is "through the RingCentral website"? How do you call a website?

It's so hard to understand your original question. These questions are for you to answer

1. "I have set up an app that calls a web hook on an incoming call and managed to do soon initial testing fine by calling the main number". Explain this . Is this because of your app, you could call the main company number?

2. "I have moved the app to the clients account and have it in the sandbox". How? how did you move an app from your account to your client account?

3. "but when I call the main number (sandbox) I get a voice response "The number you have dialled is temporality unavailable" and that is all I get." Is this something related to your app? Without your app involved in this, can your client make a call to any number in its sandbox account?

I still have had no luck with the phone number, ultimately what I am trying to achieve is to get our app promoted to Production.

We have setup a web hook subscription, and are trying to make valid calls to get the Call Control permission validated, but with the phone number rejecting our call we are going round in circles. We are not using any other Call Control features in our app and don't have anything setup to validate another way.

Does anyone have any ideas how we can get validated?

Userlevel 2

I could say that your app has nothing to do with the problem where you cannot dial a number even from your mobile phone. It is just your customer's phone number/phone setup.

I recommend you open a support ticket so the developer support team can set up a call to walk you thru.

Hi @Catherine Kirkland is this your issue resolved...I'm too getting the same issue..?

if it is resolved then you might help to solve the same issue..?
