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Unable to create/read SMS message sandbox, errorCode: CMN-419

  • 19 April 2019
  • 5 replies

I'm unable to send SMS/MMS via the REST API at in my sandbox environment.

I've configured my app, user & phone number successfully. I can successfully send messages with the account using and receive them both internally and externally.

I'm currently posting to: and receiving the response below:

"errorCode": "FeatureNotAvailable",
"message": "In order to call this API endpoint for another extension,
user needs to have [OutboundSMS] permission granted with
extended scope",
"errors": [ {
"errorCode": "CMN-419",
"message": "In order to call this API endpoint for another extension,
user needs to have [OutboundSMS] permission granted with
extended scope",
"permissionsName": "OutboundSMS"
} ],
"permissionsName": "OutboundSMS"

Here are the extension features from calling:

"id": 250259005,
"location":"Warrior, AL",

I've reviewed other messages about this being an admin user trying to send on behalf of another user but this is not the case.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

5 replies

Incidentally were running into the same errorCode (CMN-419) when attempting to send faxes via the REST API as well. In that case the message is that our user needs [OutboundFax] permissions.

As with the SMS error, we were been able to send a test fax successfully via the regular RingCentral website at service.devtest.ringcentral.
@Eric do you add any phone number into your extension(user). You can add phone number in here: service.
Hi, yes - I have added a user, a phone number and an extension there. That user can send SMS & Fax using the website but cannot send using the REST API.
Userlevel 2
Hi Eric,

Please check out my answer in this old thread.

Make sure that you login with the user's login credentials, whose phone number you will use as the "from" number.

Let me know if you still get the error.
Hi Phong thank you.

You are right, I can't seem to log into with the credentials for the phone number (+1205-xxx-xx05) I'm trying to send from. Those credentials work on the Sandbox Admin Portal and Sandbox Glip but not on the API.

Let me know how I can log in using that number.
