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Unauthorized (code 401)

  • 9 August 2019
  • 2 replies

I using Ringcentral.Client in .Net, when I authorize, I get refresh token and access token. I using refresh token to get new access token. I work very nice but after 2 hours I can't send any message and I get exception

401 (Unauthorized): POST

But I still recieve event message inbound from another user send to me in method subciption instant message.

I don't understand that. In document, I see refresh token exprire time is 7days, can you explain me about that ?

2 replies

This is strange though ... 401 means there is access issue with credentials or token etc.

Can you make sure and check if you are using right credentials like client_name, secret, password, extension etc correctly and not changed now

I sure client_name, secret, password, extension is correct.Everything working about 2 hours, I can send message and recieve message as usual. But after 2 hours, I get error 401. I'm testing in sandbox
