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Use Access Token to Log In

  • 13 July 2016
  • 7 replies


I am trying to use an three-legged authentication in my JavaScript application. I have generated an access_token and now am trying to "Log In" using this token...

In the examples given, something like this has been done:

.login({ username: '18001234567', // phone number in full format extension: '', // leave blank if direct number is used password: 'yourpassword' }) .then(function(response) { // your code here }) .catch(function(e) { alert(e.message || 'Server cannot authorize user'); });

where we can collect username, extension, and password from user to log in. If I have an access token, how should I proceed to log in?

7 replies

Hi Yash,

Once you get the access code from the RedirectUri, you would need to pass an Array of :

<< Key -Value Pairs >>
onto the login function. For reference, you could take a look at our OAuth Demo in Javascript here on line 35

To clarify, by "access code" you are referring to the "access_token", correct?
No, he means "authorization code". This code is used to obtain an access_token in a 3-Legged (Authorization Code) Auth Flow.

I would try the 3-Legged OAuth JS Demo in the repository link AK shared above (

There is also this older demo code:
I have tried running the demo but it seems that there is an cross-origins issue when hosting locally... any work-arounds?
Did you follow the Usage information that is in the repository directions which show to use http-server to start the application?

This should not run into CORS issues, but it has been a month or so since I've tested the demos.
If you continue experiencing issues with this code, I would submit an Issue with logs and details in the Github issue tracker.

First you need to go through using OAuth with Authorization code grant_Type.

Please check here:
