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Voicemail entries not included in call logs API request?

  • 10 June 2016
  • 3 replies

I'm using the

/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/{extensionId}/call-log URL to download call logs, and I'm passing view=Detailed into the querystring, to make sure I get detailed call log entries.

However, I do not seem to be able to find "Voicemail" logs in the results. I see them in the "Call Log" page of RingCentral, but not the API call-log results. Anyone else experiencing this? All of the other entry types seem to be coming down okay. I also checked the "leg" data of the results in case it was buried in there, but still didn't see it.

3 replies

Also, the "Call Log" page of RingCentral shows when people push buttons to get into certain queues/etc -- but I don't see this data in the call-log API as far as I can tell. Is there something I'm missing?
Call Log doesn't contain the data for voice mail...the Message (aka: Message Store or Messages) API resource does (!#RefGetMessageList).

You can make a GET request to the Message API resource after adding the appropriate API permission (ReadMessages), and then you can add the filter (query param): messageType=Voicemail + direction=Inbound (if you only want voice mail left for an employee or a call group).

GET /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/message-store?messageType=VoiceMail&direction=Inbound&nbsp;HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_RINGCENTRAL_USER_OR_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN Cache-Control: no-cache<br>
Hi I just want to write a quick python script to download the voicemail to my drive on a regular basis. If you have already done something similar perhaps I can buy the code off you ? I am stuck at sandbox stage, no response trying to get the token.
