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Webhook for active calls (/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true) with long delay and missing some calls

  • 13 September 2018
  • 3 replies

Hi Everyone,

We've been working with webhook since April and everything was working perfectly until this week.

We have an active and valid subscription (checked) for a webhook using:



Suddenly this week it stopped being real-time (delay of 15 to 30 min to show an income call) and it is getting some calls only, not all of them.

Any clue of what could be happening? Is there any known issue related recently?

Any help is appreciated.


3 replies

Hi Jefff,

We're experiencing issues with Subscription/Notification Services, it might cause some delays or missed events, especially for Presence. 

We're working on fix right now and expect it should be resolved very soon today. Thank you for feedback, will keep you updated.

On Friday it was back and working, Today the issue came back again. Do you guys know when it is going to be fully solved? Thanks
Hi Jeff, 

On the previous week, we did some actions to fix the situation. This helped to resolve most of the delays, but some rare misses could be still in place and we're expecting it became fully soon. 

Could you advise what is the delay you're observing? If you can provide delayed notification example with payload it could help as well. 

