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What is the best programming language for webhooks?

  • 14 July 2019
  • 2 replies

We are currently working on a Webhook for an Add-on

I have 2 questions as follows:

1. Is it mandatory to use a webhook or is there alternative since the webhooks have some downsides:

“The toil in the kitchens

Possibly a bigger problem than any of their user shortcomings is that webhooks are painful to run. Let’s look at the specifics.

Misbehavior is onerous

If a consumer endpoint is slow to respond or suddenly starts denying requests, it puts pressure on the provider’s infrastructure. A big user might have millions of outgoing webhooks and just them going down might be enough to start backing up global queues, leading to a degraded system for everyone.”

2. Is there a better more stable and reliable programming language for our webhook than PHP? - We are currently coding the wenhook in PHP. I am personally not a big fan of PHP because of previous experience. We developed our entire system on PHP and it stopped working after few years because of constant PHP upgrades - so we had to migrate the system.



2 replies

Userlevel 2

Check out other programming languages RingCentral supports via its official SDKs:

Ruby - Python - JavaScript - Java - C#

Alternatively, you can use PubNub notification.

Below are some official and community resources link useful for someone to start with RingCentral :

  • PHP SDK is here
  • For Python programmers should look here
  • JavaScript SDK with the JS Developer Guide here
  • Ruby SDK can be found here

If you have any technical questions regarding this, please reach out to online or open a support case:
