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When i login to embedded soft phone or dektop phone using developer account I get error

  • 4 November 2019
  • 2 replies

Hi when I try to login using embedded soft phone or desktop app using developer credential I get following error. How can test these apps in Dev mode? Thank you

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2 replies

Userlevel 2

Are you talking about your sandbox or production account?

What do you mean by using your developer account? The username/password you login or the username/password you use to login You must use the username/password

To use the Desktop/soft phone with your sandbox login credentials, first you have to switch the soft-phone to sandbox mode,

  • Windows: Ctrl+F2
  • Mac: Fn+Command+F2

Then use the login credentials you can login this site.

Thank you. You have already helped me. I am able to now login in sandbox mode in desktop phone. However do you know how to do the same for Widgit ?
