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Where to find DeviceID of RingCentral App. (Not the softphone)


I am able to find the all of the DeviceID's assigned to an extension by calling this endpoint:

I can then use these DeviceID's to place a call using my chosen device by calling this endpoint and supplying the DeviceID:

My question:

How do I find the DeviceID of the RingCentral App?

The /extension/~/extensionId/device EndPoint only returns the ID's for Softphones and Hardphones

Thank you

10 replies

Userlevel 2

Unfortunately, right now the RingCentral desktop app and the RingCentral mobile app do not register their device id. Thus, you cannot get the device Id of those "phones".

I have not further info as when or if we are going to support this. But once I have the info, I will be more than happy to share with developers.

Hi @Phong Vu,

Ok, thanks for clarifying that

It's my understanding that the Softphone is slowly being phased out, and we are encouraged to switch to the RingCentral Desktop App

If we switch to the desktop app, this will render many functions of the API useless, am I right?

Will it ever be possible to use the CallOut EndPoint with the Desktop App?

Thank you

This type of similar query is already in the forum.

For reference:

Are the API limitations for each of your products documented?

This is obviously critical information that our clients would need before we could sell a custom solution.

Hello RingCentral,

With the latest email regarding the EOL of the RC Meetings app we are forced to switch the the RC unified app, has the issue regarding the lack of DeviceID been resolved?

Thank you

@Phong Vu

Userlevel 2

Unfortunately, the RC unified app still does not support device id. But I am not sure how this is related to the EOL of the RC Meetings app? Do you need the device id to make a call-out using API? Let me know your use cases.

I'd be interested in following this as well. I'm attempting an integration between RingCentral and another cloud system, and I've found that the users must have the RingCentral Phone app installed in order to present a deviceID to get a handle on and use MakeCall. If we're being pushed to use the new unified app, which doesn't have a deviceID, this is going to have a major impact on the way the company does business

Has the status of this changed at all? It would be really useful for our users if we could expose the RC mobile app as a device for them.

Userlevel 2

Sorry, still no support for this because of the dynamic device id from WebRTC app.

Any change in this?
